Hello and welcome to the second Na Rósaí email of the fall 2015.
Speaking of fall, y'all need to come out to the Raven and Rose and enjoy a few of their fall flavored cocktails. Also there's this band who plays there on Tuesdays, I've never heard of them but the reviews are mixed! Much like the drinks, hey-yo!
We played a wonderful show in Salem last weekend at the VFW hall put on by the Ceili of the Valley folks. Our hosts were fantastic and they were our best audience so far! We'd like to thank Brad Johnson and everyone else involved in organizing that event, you guys put on a great show!
Conor, Richie, and myself just returned from performing at the Galway Bay Irish Music Festival in Ocean Shores, WA. We were performing with the Stomptowners who just released an album called "Knocking the Ditches Down" which can be perchased here: I also just released a solo-ish project called "The Primrose Glen" and it can be got here:
Starting in mid-November Na Rósaí will be performing as a trio for some time as I embark on my yearly tour with An Irish Christmas. We're also in the process of organizing a spring tour of the west coast and a fall tour of the east coast for 2016, I will keep you updated on these as details begin to form.
Also if you are interested in seeing An Irish Christmas, tour dates and tickets are available here: Unfortunately there aren't any PNW shows this year.
Enjoy the jumper weather and the fall colors!