Vernal Rosies

Well, we can all relax as the trees are blossoming once again and other plant life is re-emerging from the ground and be content in the idea that the planet will work at least for one more year. We at your friendly neighborhood Na Rósaí also intend to work for at least one more year ourselves. Won't you join us?

We trust everyone has returned to typical liver function after the St. Paddy's week drink-a-thon. I personally drank a lot of tea. Na Rósaí performed at a few private parties as well as the Little Creek Casino's St Patrick's Day Fest up in the Puget Sound area. We had a few beers, wore some plaid shirts, tried not to follow reels with even more reels, the usual. It was great fun altogether!

We've a fair number of performances on tap for the spring and summer months: Like clockwork you can expect t find us jigging, reeling, and singing the songs at the Raven and Rose in Downtown Portland every Tuesday night from 5:30-7:30.

Friday, April 8th you'll find us providing musical rhythms for the Ceili in Salem put on by the good folks at Ceili of the Valley. This is one of the best attended ceili on the west coast and is a great family event. The dance is at the VFW hall in Salem, OR and starts at 7pm.

Please visit our website:

or Conor's:

have a good, no, GREAT Friday!

<3 -Preston